Rest for the Weary Farmer

Nowadays, a lot of people have no respect for a hard day's work. We are constantly looking for money using the least amount of energy. I salute the farms for their work because they are doing a noble job of feeding the population, who just take for granted the food of their tables.
The sad reality today is that the farmers can no longer afford some of the foods that they produce. We have seen reports of rice farmers who cannot afford to buy rice anymore because it has become so expensive for their meager earnings. Also, several agricultural funds appropriated by the government do not reach most of the poor farmers because they were given to the rich landowners or went to the pockets of greedy politicians. Several farmers were just told to sign some piece of paper of which they have no knowledge about to make it look like they have received something. Let us not deny that these things happen.
Most of us cannot do anything about these things because we have our problems, but let us show that we respect these noble farmers because they are the backbone of this country. Let us not allow anyone look down on them because of their sometimes ragged appearance. Be proud of our farmers.