Wedding Inside

I was taking pictures of the facade of this church, that I thought was not in use because of it's dilapidated condition, when suddenly the door opened and out came confetti. Then I realized, there was a wedding inside.
I really love weddings held at antique churches compared to the modern churches or even outdoor ones because I think there is a hint of solemnity in it. Engaging in an age-old tradition of presenting to the Lord your wife and declaring your love to her at such a holy ground.
Nowadays, some people opt for outdoor weddings, surrounded by wonderful scenery, but I think those surroundings are just aesthetics. They may look great in videos and photographs but the holiness of the Sacrament is lost. People may admire your outdoor wedding photographs but what is most important is how the husband and wife feel for each other as they are in this Holy Matrimony.
Years later, as you look back in your wedding photographs, think of how you felt that day. Not on how you look or the placements of the wedding because aesthetics can be replicated. But on how you felt for your husband or wife, that simple feeling of happiness of being together for the rest of your life and hold on to it. Because as the years go by feelings may change or be not as great as it once were, but remember that for a moment in your life you are willing to give yourself to the person standing in front of you with great joy and the acceptance of a shared responsibility of building a better tomorrow as a couple. This is a temporary bliss that you can hold on and remember during trying times.
Happily ever after is lived a day at a time.