A (Green) Star is Born

Flowers have such interesting shapes. We often thought that stars could only be seen up there in the skies.

Maybe when you need a star to look on to and the sky is dark or cloudy, try to look down and maybe you'll see stars like this. Stars can be found in both heaven and earth.

Happy stargazing.


Unknown said…
That's an interesting plant and a very nice photo. How are you getting your backgrounds so dark (which accentuates the pictures)? Manually adding them or are they there naturally?
dio t'ama said…
I just increase the contrast of the picture MS Picture Manager to accentuate the subject.
fortuitous faery said…
also on the balimbing (carambola) fruit...when sliced. instant stars! :P
ChinkyGirLMeL said…
oh wow. this is amazing. =)

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