Pink Hidden in the Midst of Greens

Living like this would make us live our lives in haste. Just trying to live life a day at a time, just trying to get by. We tend to forget to notice something different, something unique, something that would make us happy because we are living life hurriedly. Too fast that we see things in a blur.
I have lived such a life.
I want to stop and take look at my surroundings.
Maybe out there somewhere, there is something for me.
Just like the pink flower in the midst of green leaves. Only when we take a closer look at life do we find what we are looking for. Take time to smell the flowers. You can't take back what you've missed.
good capture!
I made it a habit to meditate over am awkward experience for my mind to mask over it as some sort of healing; Often I see it as a denial over a reality of pain but is out-weighted by seeing positive things on over all perspective. I find my prayers often granted; only, perhaps God does not wanted me to forget the lessons of the past, that is why tiny light moles are left open for me to still see things through.
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thanks for the share.
have a great day friend!