Viper in the Midst

Can you see it?

When I first encountered this snake, I didn't immediately recognize it. I kept moving forward to see where it is and my companion stopped me because I was getting close to it without me seeing it. It was camouflaged as nature intended it to be to hide from predators.

Also, it is in my nature to stay as far from it because I'm afraid of snakes.

This what's good when you're in the jungle, you encounter many things that surprises you but nonetheless amaze you.


Kristel said…
can't see the snake...hehehe..
Joanne Olivieri said…
I had to click on the photo to get a larger view and I did see it. He blends right in which is scary. I don't like snakes either. Great photo though.
Symphony of Love said…
It took me a long while before I spotted it. It was indeed well camouflaged.
Enchie said…
I see it! its a good thing you saw it first.
Joe-ann said…
I see it too.The color is amazing.=)

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