It's Finally Here

After more than a year of saving, I finally have my own DSLR camera.
It is now time for me to practice using this type of camera since I was using a P&S before. The similarities is the menu an display will help me in figuring out this camera. The photography books that I have compiled will be of great use since there is no one to help me in operating the camera.
I hope to have my own photography session tomorrow if the weather permits. It's bern raining quite a lot this past week.
I started out on my own too. If you have the passion, you will not hav a problem learning to use this gadget. Have fun shooting!
I posted my reply to your query in my blog.
Btw, if you have the budget, a good wide angle lens would be the latest Canon 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 lens.